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/// Advertising with us

Ads we allow
Ads which are not tasteful (pornographic/explit), misleading/malicious, or illegal will not be honored.

Maximum views & impressions
Unlimited! Your advertisement will stay listed until it expires (varying on the number of days you paid for).

Ads placement
Advertisements may rotate (randomly be displayed on refresh) based on demand. If this is the case, all accounts will be credited an extra 3 days, free.

Social Exposure
All urls which are advertised as a paid or exchanged service will be tweeted on our Official Twitter page.

Custom locations
See a position on our site you'd rather place your banner? Contact us.

All sales are final
Unless the banner breaches our Terms & Conditions, listed before checkout. Thank you!

We can not be held responsible for the behavior of visitors who visit your site.
To advertise on, please use our Contact page. We'll be happy to work with you!

* Advertisements on this page are live! This structure of ads follows across most pages on our web site.

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